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DZL SMS Gateway and Messaging Services - SMS AGGREGATION

Dizilife's messaging gateway allows businesses to send SMS messages and WAP Push/URL links to almost any mobile phone in the world. Its a highly scalable platform that ensures reliable delivery of all messages, and our global coverage through multiple service providers means that you can reach the majority of customers in the world not to mention the APAC region.

The services offered by on the DZL Messaging Gateway are

SMS Gateway client application - a behind the firewall installable client which talks to the DZL Messaging API to transfer messages and content without opening the firewall.

Web Messaging API – a webservice for authorised customers who can use it to mobile message enable their applications. The api caters for both adhoc messaging and for upload of bulk messages and also for two way messages where users can reply back prefixed by a keyword.

SMS is the best way to reach customers of all kinds. It provides a personal and immediately responsive channel that helps businesses to build relationships with their customers, If done well, SMS offers a natural way to connect with and empower customers, giving them an direct channel to interact with businesses that they would like to engage with.

Contact us to sign up for the service

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